Barcelona: Barrio Gótico Dragon Tour for Families

21 Reviews
Tours Activities Family-friendly activities Sightseeing Tours Children's Activities Family-friendly

Discover the city of dragons and see Barcelona in a playful, family-friendly way. Solve riddles, follow the clues, see the dragons all over the city and discover their secrets.

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  • Take an interesting tour of the old city of Barcelona with your children and see the city's dragons
  • Solve exciting riddles and follow the clues to find your way through the Barrio Gótico
  • Enjoy an interactive treasure hunt for the whole family and learn all about the city of dragons


Go on a discovery tour of Barcelona with your children. Uncover the hidden dragons and their special significance to the city with a map, compass and a few riddles.  Begin in the Born/La Ribera district and find the answers to questions like why half a house stands nearby or so many geese live by an abbey, as you play the game. Follow a path set by different clues and wander the winding streets of Barrio Gótico. Learn about the symbolic power of the dragon and why it is part of Barcelona's iconography as well as its meaning in other cultures. Once at Las Ramblas, see how the dragon dances with a fan.


2.5 hour interactive walking tour all material needed for the scavenger hunt Small surprise for each child

Important Information

  • The tour is best suited to children above the age of 6, with our without adult accompaniment
  • Children under the age of 6 may participate only when accompanied by an adult
  • There is a surcharge for children attending without a guardian
  • Adults may not participate in this tour alone, as this is a tour for children and families
  • The tour is offered in German, English, Spanish and Catalan
  • Children need not carry a heavy backpack, just a small bottle of water and a snack

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